Monday, January 30, 2012

Dead or alive...

Well...more dead than alive...
Autumn 2009. Somewhere on the mountain. Code name of the location...Catastrophe. Me trying to carry Metuselah mugo from the mountain...I rather don't remember that time, but, just recently I stumbled upon this photo on my friend Goran Chajko's  blog.
The name of this photo could be...desperation.
Of course, I couldn't carry it alone, Chajko had to carry it with me.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kevin Willson's drawings of my big mughos

Here are two drawings that Kevin Willson did while he was in my garden in september 2011. He was fascinated by this two old mughos, unfortunately, they were still not fit to take a drilling and shaping session, otherwise, we would do that. So, after first few photos of Kevin drawing, you can see Kevin's vision of those two pines...together with that I will put a link to posts where you can see more detailed photos of those two mughos...

Pinus mugho "Constrictor" by Kevin Willson
For more photos after collecting and potting the tree see here:

 Pinus mugho "Metuselah" by Kevin Willson
For more photos of "Metuselah" see here:

Thanks Kevin for a fantastic artwork.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Carpinus The Champ - first photos - potted

Little Champion potted and prunned. Unfortunately, fantastic nebari is now under the soil surface...but, it is safer this way. Now, I like the tree even more. Excuisite little grotesque, like trees from the Snowhite's magical and scary forest. This tree has NO scars on the trunk, no big branches to cut directly on the trunk, and still fat and powerful with old bark. There was no big root to cut under the root ball, just finger sized roots and plenty of tiny roots...great and ramified root system. The soil on my new location  is even better than on that previous one. I think that, with time, I like more and more grotesque shapes, something like fantasy tree creatures. That concept attracts me more and more. There is more crazy stuff at my new collecting location, so I cannot wait to get there again.

Old and cracked bark. I like that.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Second one this year

Second orientalis from yesterday's collection. Not a bad one also, but not as good as previous one.."The Champ".
As far as I can see, seems that smaller trees are in fashion. I am beginning to like smaller stuff. Yesterday, as we were searching the collection sites, everything I noticed were smaller trees, so my eyes obviously search and see what my heart wants...
And it's a kind of relief...much easier to dig and especially to carry to the car. Simple to fix in the pot also. A like this small trees very much.
Of course, this doesn't mean that I won't collect something gigantic if it gets in the way. Anyway, the collecting season has just started...

Powerful trunk...tons of branches...a sort of grotesque look. Like it very much :)
Many of these branches must be further shortened and cut back, some of them removed completely, but not now, there will be time for that...

Comparing to my fat face...the tree is still fat and powerful

 Probable future back side...