Walter is an old friend so we do not consider him a guest. He is very much at home in our house. Jim Doyle impresed us all. He is a real gentleman, passionate bonsai teacher, very good connoisseur of almost everything on the international bonsai scene. It is amazing that he knows almost everybody and everything. Jim impresed us with his dedication, knowledge and his ability to feel and express art in nature.
We will surely like to have him here again, and...I believe...he has made some promises :)
Unfortunately, we had a very bad weather but that didn't keep us from listening Jims inspiring visions of our bonsai trees. That day passed like minutes.
Vidim, bez obzira na vrijeme, odlično ste se proveli, a čujem i da je gospodin Doyle vrlo ugodno iznanadio kao sugovornik i učitelj... tako da mi je još više žao što se nisam mogao pridružiti. Video prilozi su sjajna stvar, nadam se da će ih biti još...