Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New yamadori - Goran Chajko presents...GODZILLA

My Goran Chajko has new catch...I named it Godzilla, you have to admit, it is a very large tree. The tree is shortened further and potted in a temporary plastic pot.
First photo...Godzilla as transported from the collection site..

That first left bottom branch that looks like a root goes off. It is useless and just masks a very good nebari underneath.
Video of this potting is just been edited and put together...will be available in two days.


  1. Aaaaa, nitko nema veceg od tebe.... za sada!!!

    Šalu na stranu. Vade se velika drva zbog određenih karakteristika koja dolaze s takvim materijalom i osobnih preferencija... Ak se nekome neda kopat velika drva, neka ih ne kopa...

  2. Htio sam samo ovom anonimcu provokatoru odgovorit na pitanje ko ima većeg...on ili ja.
    Bit će da je sada zadovoljan, jel?
